Warranty Express Help Document
This document should offer assistance in using RWC's Warranty Express
program. If you have any trouble, feel free to contact us using this form. We're available to respond during normal business hours
(Monday through Friday, 8-5 Eastern Standard Time).
Builder Login
- Type in your RWC Builder registration number
- Use tab key to enter information and advance to next block
- Enter the password assigned to you.
- If one was not assigned, contact RWC.
Main Menu
- Account Settings - Click on this option to change your password or email
- Warranty Express - Click on this option to begin the enrollment process
- Order History - Click on this option to begin the enrollment process
- Reports - Click on this to view various reports and statistics
- Order Supplies - Click on this to order marketing supplies
- Important RWC messages will be displayed here.
- Click on OK to continue.
Enroll Homes
- Scroll down to Home Information.
- Input as much information as possible.
- Areas with asterisks are mandatory fields.
- Definitions:
- Homes to be Enrolled: A list of homes to be warranted that have had their data entered and saved but have not been finalized.
- If you need to edit information already input:
double click on the address in question in the "Homes to be Enrolled"
box. The information will appear below and allow you to edit. You must
click on "Save Home" again, or the new information will be lost.
- Delete Home [button]:
From the list at the top "Homes to be Enrolled", choose the home you
wish to delete by double clicking on it. Then, just click on the
"Delete Home" button.
- Copy Home [button]:
You can take information you used when entering a home, and use that
same information for a new home. This is particularly useful if you
have multiple homes on the same street. From the list at the top "Homes
to be Enrolled", choose the home you wish to delete by clicking it.
Then, just click on the "Copy Home" button.
- All Done [button]: Click
this button when all the homes that you want warranted have been
entered and saved in the "Homes to be Enrolled" list and are ready to
be finalized.
- Main Menu [button]: Exit this screen and go back to the RWC Main screen.
- Current Home: New Home if entering data for a new home.
- Lot/Job #: Include the Lot number if available. In some circumstances the Job number will serve as the identification number.
- Block #: Include if available.
- Development: Include Development or Subdivision name.
- Address: Include the legal house description with a street number and address.
- City/State/Zip: Indicate the City, State and Zip of the home being enrolled.
- Township and County: Include
the name of the Agency or County responsible for inspecting the unit.
If the unit is being built outside any required municipality inspected
area, please indicate.
- Mailing Address: This
is usually the same as the address listed above. If a different address
applies, please indicate so the Purchaser can receive the Validation
- Mailing City/State/Zip: These
are usually the same as the City, State and Zip listed above. If a
different City, State and Zip apply, please indicate so the Purchaser
can receive the Validation Sticker.
- Closing Date: The date of closing.
- First Occupancy Date: The date the home is first occupied.
- Final Sales Price (maximum liability): Is
the contract price of the home. Usually it includes the lot cost. If
the lot cost is not included please mark the box "Lot Not Included".
- Lot Not Included in Final Sales Price:
If lot not included in Final Sales price, check the box. (The system
will automatically add 1.2% to the warranty fee to cover grading, etc.
related to lot)
- Type of Financing: If FHA, need at least 10 digit case number.
- Type of Soil: Indicate Soil type.
- Platinum Advantage Extended Warranty: Check this box if home is being enrolled in the Platinum Advantage Extended Warranty program.
- Home Type:
Attached multi family units must all be warranted. (Townhomes,
duplexes, quads.) Condos cannot be enrolled through this process.
- Coverage Type:
- Full: Standard 10 Year warranty. (Must choose this option for FHA or VA financed homes.)
- State: Customized State Warranty. (Not applicable for FHA or VA financed homes.)
- DSE: 10 Year Structural only coverage. (Not applicable for FHA or VA financed homes.)
- MSD: 10 Year Structural only coverage. Applicable in CO only. (Not applicable for FHA or VA financed homes.)
- Purchaser's E-mail Address: The e-mail address of the primary purchaser of the new home & RWC warranty.
- Primary Purchaser's Name: The name of the primary purchaser of the new home & RWC warranty.
- Purchaser's Phone Number: The phone number of the primary purchaser of the new home & RWC warranty.
- Secondary Purchaser's Name: The name of the secondary purchaser of the new home & RWC warranty.
- Second Purchaser's Phone Number: The phone number of the secondary purchaser of the new home & RWC warranty.
- Preparer's Name: Name of person completing this application.
- Preparer's Title: Title of person completing this application.
- Preparer's Phone Number: Phone number of person completing this application.
- HUD: If you need a HUD (FHA) acceptance letter for proof of warranty coverage, check this box and one will be e-mailed to you.
- Save Home:
By choosing this option, the information you just input will be saved
and homes will be listed and appear at the top of this page with your
total warranty fee due. If, after saving, you need to add additional
homes, simply start at the top of the page and begin inputting. Any new
homes will be added to the original list and to your total warranty fee
- Clear Form: By clicking
this option, any information you have input for this particular home
will be cleared and not saved. Homes you have already input will remain.
- When finished enrolling homes, click on "All Done".
- The program will take you to the next step which is verification and payment methods.
Verify your enrollments.
- This screen provides a list of all homes you Input and allows you
to verify all information. You may edit by selecting "Edit Home List",
or if all information is correct, click on "Enroll these Homes" to go
to the payment process. Only homes that are checked will be enrolled.
If you don't want to enroll a particular home just uncheck it and it
will remain in the file for the next time you log in.
Choose Payment Type
- This screen allows you to choose your method of payment. If you choose
credit card or online check, the normally required $6.95 per home processing
fee will be waived. If you choose to mail a check to RWC, the $6.95 processing
fee will apply to each home enrolled.
- The "Back" option allows you to verify homes enrolled again, or to delete entire transaction.
- The Payment Screen option will forward you to the appropriate screen based on your method of payment.
Payment Information
Credit Card Payments
Credit card payments are exempt from the $6.95 per home processing fee.
Credit card numbers will be purged from our system as soon as the transaction
is complete. This is done for your privacy and security.
- Complete the information requested. Be sure to fill in required areas with asterisks.
- We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Debit Cards which contain
a Visa or Mastercard logo.
- Click on "Submit Payment Information" and your enrollment/method of payment
transaction will be submitted to RWC.
Online Check Payments
Online check payments are exempt from the $6.95 per home processing fee.
RWC extends our policy of not storing credit card numbers to online
checking account numbers. Account numbers will be purged from our system as
soon as the transaction is complete. This is done for your privacy and
- Complete the information requested. Be sure to fill in required areas with asterisks.
- Every Online Check number must be unique. One way of assuring a
unique number every time would be to use an actual paper check number
from your account. Mark that check as being used online. The method you
use is entirely up to your accounting department.
- Click on "Submit Payment Information" and your enrollment/method of payment
transaction will be submitted to RWC.
- Definitions:
- Routing Number: The routing number of your bank
- Account Number: Your checking account number
- Check Number: A unique number to be used for this
- Example:
Mail In Check Payments
- This screen contains your payment/mailing instructions for mailing in your
check to RWC.
- Click on "Complete Enrollment Process" to continue.
- Checks must be mailed to RWC within 10 business days of closing
- Confirmation that your enrollment process has been completed. It
also tells you that you will be receiving an e-mail with all applicable
warranty documents attached.
- Explanation of documents transmitted via e-mail.
- You will receive an e-mail from Warranty.Express@rwcwarranty.com with a subject line "New Enrollments."
- The
message contains a confirmation of the transaction, remittance number
in the event you need to call RWC about it, your total warranty fee and
the following attachments:
- Warranty_Form.pdf (Application for Warranty form(s))
- Warranty_Book.pdf (Actual warranty document. If more than one home enrolled, copy warranty book for each home)
- Warranty_Book_Cover.pdf
(Individualized warranty cover page with printed address for each home
enrolled. Not available for homes enrolled under the state specific
- Warranty_Express_Remittance.pdf (Form indicating total amount paid or due)
- HUD_Acceptance_Letter.pdf
(If you requested a HUD letter one will be supplied, this letter
indicates proof of warranty coverage for FHA financed homes)
- Builder's responsibility to validate warranty coverage!
- The
application for warranty form must be signed and returned to RWC within
10 days of closing. If not paid on-line, send check for appropriate
warranty fee(s) along with the Application for Warranty form.
- Upon
receipt and approval of the above, RWC will issue and send the
Validation Sticker confirming warranty coverage directly to the
- If Application for Warranty form (and payment,
if applicable) is not submitted to RWC within the appropriate time
frame, no validation or coverage will be issued.
RWC Warranty Express is currently not available in New Jersey, Texas,
Colorado, New Castle County Deleware, or for modular manufacturer warranties,
remodlers, or commercial.
Order History
- This is a list of orders we have received from you in the past. You can
use this list to resend files you received when you first placed your order.
Plus you can print or view the files in a PDF online. By clicking on
Edit/Void you can edit certain information pertaining to the home or you can
void the home. Voiding a record should only be done if the warranty is not
going to be placed or if it is a duplicate warranty.
- Begin by clicking on the drop down box labeled Choose a
- After selecting the report you wish to view, click the View Report
- By default, the report will display within your browser. Within each
report, you can also download it in CSV format, which should open in Excel.
Just click the link, and when prompted to Save or Open the document, choose
- The following reports are available to you (and more are being
- Outstanding Enrollments: This report lists homes where you have paid a deposit on the
enrollments, but haven't yet finalized them.
Order Supplies
Choosing your Supplies
- Begin by selecting the program that you are with and need supplies for (RWC
Builders, MHWC, PBW)
- Items for the program you selected will then appear in the Item box.
- Click on an item in the box once to see a description appear in the
Description box.
- Most items are free or charge, but a few cost money. You will see
the totalamount increase each time you add an item that costs money to
the cart.
- To add an item to the cart:
- Click the item
- Enter the quantity
- Click "Add -->"
- To remove an item:
- Click the item in your cart you wish to remove
- Click "<-- Remove"
- If
you had put 20 of an item in the cart and you wish to remove just10,
you have to remove the item altogether and then add 10 to the cart.
- When you are finished adding items to the cart, click "Continue -->"
Completing Your Order
- Enter your shipping and contact information.
- Click "Complete Order"
- Your items will be shipped to the address you specified and you'll be
invoiced for any items that cost money.
- Online payments will be available soon.